Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome & Introduction

My name is Lauren and Parlor Notes is a way to share a few notes from my parlor.  The Oxford English Dictionary describes a parlor as:
  1. A room or place for talking; spec. an apartment in a monastery or (esp. in later use) a convent, in which residents may converse with people from outside the establishment or amongst themselves.
  2. In a manor house, or large public building (as a town hall, college, etc.): a smaller room separate from the main hall, reserved for private conversation or conference.
  3. In a private house: a sitting room; esp. the main family living room, or the room reserved for entertaining guests.
I hope this blog will act as a little bit of each of those.  A place to gather with good conversation and stories.  What to expect?  Well, I hope to cover a bit of everything.  I am a knitter, paper crafter, stationery lover, crocheter, weaver, and antiques lover.  I'm a bit nostalgic for time periods I have never experienced first hand (hence, parlor).  I think that there should be more handwritten letters, tea with friends, and a brief moment in every afternoon where you can stop and think without worrying about the next ten items on the do list.  
Handknit scarf. Pattern: Baktus.
So, grab a cuppa tea and relax for a bit.  I hope you enjoy reading and following along.


  1. Looking forward to your blog. Congrats on getting it started. :)

  2. Love it -- good name and topics. I look forward to future entries!
