Friday, April 26, 2013

Letter Writers Alliance

A friend of mine joined the Letter Writers Alliance last year and recommended the organization to me.  Even though I hadn't had the chance to blog about it, I joined a received my membership card a few weeks ago.

I'm thrilled to be part of an organization whose mission is:
"The LWA Mission

In this era of instantaneous communication, a handwritten letter is a rare and wondrous item. The Letter Writers Alliance is dedicated to preserving this art form; neither long lines, nor late deliveries, nor increasing postal rates will keep us from our mission.

As a member of the Letter Writers Alliance, you will carry on the glorious cultural tradition of letter writing. You will take advantage of every opportunity to send tangible correspondence. Prepare your pen and paper, moisten your tongue, and get ready to write more letters!" - LWA
If you enjoy reading or writing letters, consider joining the organization.  For me, it's been money well spent so far.  Even if you don't, I'd recommended reading their blog, which has interesting stories, postal history, and more highlighted on it.  Happy letter writing!

1 comment:

  1. I just joined! Thanks for making it so easy! I always feel like PayPal is free haha!
